Ft. “How is AI Affecting your Children and Schools?” with Dalton Johnson

Do you put your technology over your health and hygiene? When given the choice to give up a phone or toothbrush for one week, 40% of people chose their phones. If people chose technology over their health, what does that say about the power of technology? 

Self-Reflection Questions: 

Do you look at your phone while talking to other people? 

Are you on your phone first thing when you wake up or right before bed? 

Are you on your phone in dangerous times: driving, operating machinery, walking the streets? 

Is it impossible to be still, sit with yourself, or be bored?

Average teen users unlock or check their phones over 150 times a day… try counting sometime. Even worse, the rise of social media has increased narcissism and phantom vibrate syndrome, which is becoming a real medical problem. Research has confirmed that technology negatively impacts social, mental, and self-worth development in people of all ages. If this technology is hurting you, imagine what it does to your children. I spent time with a friend discussing the power of Alexa/Siri within the home. Mother of three, shares that AI has negatively influenced the attitudes and morals of her children. Alexa’s immediate responses, without the need for a “please and thank you”, increased the entitled, short-tempered, and angry interactions between her children and parental figures. 

Technology Habits Short Quiz: here

Analyze your Child’s Technology Habits:  here

Make Money and Protect Your Earth: 

Not only does technology negatively impact your health, but it also wreaks havoc on the Earth’s biological ecosystems. According to DoSomething.org, “For every 1 million cell phones that are recycled, 35,274 lbs of copper, 772 lbs of silver, 75 lbs of gold, and 33 lbs of palladium can be recovered. Recycling 1 million laptops saves the energy equivalent to the electricity used by 3,657 U.S. homes in a year.” As a culture continually striving for bigger and better technology, our old devices usually end up in a junk drawer or in the trash. The EPA states that E-waste is the fastest-growing waste sector. The United States throws away over $60 million worth of precious metals found in technology. Take your old broken phones, laptops, radios, and iPads and sell them to IT companies wanting to reuse and recycle parts! Learn where to send your junk draw dinosaurs: here

Small Steps for Healthy Habits: 

Consider a technology and phone detox. Digital Detox is a great website for learning more and instilling a good foundation for digital health. iPhone has added screen monitoring settings to help reduce your social media app usage. ‘Screen Time’ tab in settings shows average pick-ups, screen hours, trending apps, and much more. This might be your call to re-evaluate your habits and find ways to create a better mental and physical environment. Moved by the statistics, surveys within public school, and quiz results, I have set a 4-hour limit in my iPhone settings, turned off notifications, and started signing off social media for set periods of time. These habits have surprisingly helped me take time for myself, prioritize things that need to be done, spend more time with friends and family, and encouraged me to use my creativity.

“…Uzziah prepared for all the army shields, spears, helmets, body armor, bows and sling stones. He made engines of war invented by skillful men to be on the towers… Hence his fame spread afar, for he was marvelously helped until he was strong. But when he became strong, his heart was so proud that he acted corruptly, and he was unfaithful to the Lord his God…” 2 Chronicles 26:14-16

How is AI Affecting your Children and Schools?

Dalton Johnson, Endpoint Manager at Grand Island Public Schools shares his professional opinion from the lens of public education, student interactions, and personal research: 

“In today’s rapidly changing digital landscape, it’s impossible to ignore the profound influence of AI and technology on every aspect of our lives. From the way we communicate to the way we learn, technology has become an essential part of the education for children across the globe. But what exactly is the impact of AI on the emotional, psychological, and academic well-being of our young learners?”

1. The Emotional and Psychological Impact

Screens dominate our daily interactions, it’s essential to recognize the potential consequences of this digital immersion on the emotional and psychological health of school children. AI offers convenience and accessibility but also presents some unique challenges. Constant connectivity can lead to increased feelings of isolation, anxiety, and stress among students. The pressure to excel in an increasingly competitive academic environment, coupled with the distractions of social media and online entertainment, can take a toll on mental well-being.

Moreover, the omnipresence of AI in education raises concerns about privacy and data security. With every click and keystroke, students generate a treasure trove of personal information that may be vulnerable to exploitation. As educators and parents, it’s crucial to foster open dialogue about digital literacy and responsible technology use. Teaching children to navigate the digital world safely and mindfully is paramount in safeguarding their emotional and psychological well-being.

2. Technology and Academic Performance

Over the course of a school year, technology can significantly influence students’ academic journey. From personalized learning platforms to AI-powered tutoring systems, technology offers endless tools to improve education. AI can cater to individual learning styles and pace, allowing students to unlock their full potential. Additionally, digital resources provide unparalleled access to information, enabling students to explore diverse topics and perspectives beyond the confines of traditional textbooks. The vast collective knowledge of our species is right at the tip of their fingers. 

However, the impact of technology on academic performance is not without its challenges. The allure of instant gratification and multitasking can hinder students’ ability to focus and retain information. The temptation to procrastinate or rely solely on automated solutions may impede critical thinking skills and intellectual curiosity. Striking a balance between technology, learning, and traditional pedagogical methods is essential. Encouraging students to harness the benefits of technology while honing essential cognitive abilities is key to fostering academic success.

3. Navigating the Digital Landscape: Advice for Families

As families navigate the realm of AI and technology, it’s crucial to approach the digital landscape with informed caution and mindfulness. Here are some practical tips for integrating technology into children’s lives while prioritizing their well-being:

Set Boundaries: Establish clear guidelines for screen time and device usage, ensuring that technology complements rather than supplants real-world interactions and activities.

Promote Digital Literacy: Educate children about the ethical implications of technology and empower them to critically evaluate digital content for accuracy and credibility.

Encourage Balance: Encourage a balanced lifestyle that encompasses both digital and non-digital pursuits, fostering holistic development and well-roundedness.

Lead by Example: Model healthy technology habits and demonstrate the importance of disconnecting from screens to prioritize self-care and interpersonal connections.

By fostering a mindful and balanced approach to technology, families can empower children to harness the transformative potential of AI while safeguarding their well-being in an increasingly digital world.

“How Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Affect Children?” HealthyChildren.org, https://www.healthychildren.org/English/family-life/Media/Pages/how-will-artificial-intelligence-AI-affect-children.aspx.

“AI Privacy Concerns in Schools: A Guide for School Leaders.” The Ark HQ, https://thearkhq.com/ai-privacy-concerns-in-schools/.

“How Is AI Impacting Personalized Learning?” eLearning Industry, https://elearningindustry.com/how-is-ai-impacting-personalized-learning-key-applications-limitations-and-trends.

“The Effects Of AI On Child Psychology.” Forbes, 27 July 2021, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/07/27/the-effects-of-ai-on-child-psychology/?sh=66fa991112f3.

“Screen Time and Children: How to Guide Your Child.” Mayo Clinic, https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/childrens-health/in-depth/screen-time/art-20047952.“Family Guide: 5 Strategies for Setting Digital Media Boundaries and Guidelines for Kids.” The Digital Wellness Lab, https://digitalwellnesslab.org/family-guides/5-strategies-for-setting-digital-media-boundaries-and-guidelines-for-kids-a-guide-for-parents/.

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I’m Addison

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