Trashin’ the Toothpaste

As children, we have always been told to brush our teeth twice a day every day. To my surprise, the tooth fairy never talked about the chemical components found in toothpaste that can disrupt hormones and damage the central nervous system. I can also admit that ‘healthy ‘ branded toothpaste at $5 a tube is out of the question. The alternative, make my own… 

The study that piqued my initial interest: The American Dental Association (ADA) reveals that patients who brushed without paste saw a 63 percent reduction in plaque buildup and a 55 percent drop in bleeding. This statement alone made me question everything I had been believing about toothpaste.

Harmful Toothpaste Ingredients: 

  1. Flouride: Excessive amounts cause discolored spots on teeth and are linked to neurological and endocrine dysfunction (2012 Harvard). Floride negatively affects cognitive development in children. 
  2. Triclosan: a pesticide and hormone disruptor, found in many cosmetics and reported by the FDA to potentially decrease hormones. Studies are investigating the link between triclosan and antibiotic resistance and skin cancer (supposedly no longer in U.S. toothpaste as of 2019).
  3. Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS): known to cause skin irritation. Department of Oral Surgery found patients using SLS over 3 months reported significantly more ulcers. These same patients switched to SLS-free toothpaste and ulcers were reduced drastically. 
  4. Propylene Glycol: used to improve shelf life and physical properties. Heart, liver, and central nervous system damage occur when used in large quantities. 
  5. Artificial Sweeteners: Aspartame and saccharin have varying research results. To date, aspartame is linked to poor gut bacteria, increased blood glucose, and insulin resistance. 
  6. Artificial Dyes and Colorings: Synthetically derived from petroleum and coal tar, many forms of dyes and colroings can be absorbed over time and cause system toxicity. 
  7. Titanium Dioxide: Responsible for the inorganic white color, titanium dioxide is able to penetrate gums and cause toxic reactions in the brain and cause nerve damage. 

The New Paste

5 TBS Bentonite Clay
3 TBS Coconut Oil
1 TBS Baking Soda (optional, use in minuscule amounts)
¼ tsp Activated Charcol (Optional due to potential abrasiveness)
1 TBS Sea Salt
10 drops of Essential Oils
***Distilled Water as Needed

FUN FACT: DO NOT USE A METAL STURRING SPOON THE BENTONITE CLAY MAY PULL >>> This can alter the clay’s ability to draw out toxins and impurities from the skin or body. 

Within minutes I whipped all ingredients into a pliable simi-liquid substance. The flavor and texture took some getting used to, but after a week of use, I can already tell the difference. Before this experiment, I felt like I HAD to brush consistently otherwise a film or bad breath would linger in my mouth. My tongue and lips would slightly tingle with store-bought paste and my gums would occasionally become sore or irritated. I have experienced none of those symptoms since incorporating a more natural version. One small step in a healthy direction, and I will see what results follow! Investing in bamboo toothbrushes may be my next step; the coconut oil can remain on the traditional brush tips.

Everyone has that one friend who never brushes their teeth and still manages to have fantastic teeth. As an avid coffee drinker, I have learned that white teeth are hard to maintain. After some diggin’, I have discovered a few brushing facts: 

  1. Never brush before or after acidic meals/beverages; the acid can soften and stain the enamel.
  2. Brushing before breakfast is better for enamel and oral health.
  3. Poor dental hygiene has a connection to dementia, diabetes, pregnancy complications, and kidney disease

One response to “Trashin’ the Toothpaste”

  1. ML Harding Avatar
    ML Harding

    Excellent!!! I’ve used coconut oil, soda and sea salt but may have to try this combo! Oh and I’m Kassidy, Shontell and Jasper’s Grammy!


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